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Voltage regulators

Started by KEYSJUNK, December 30, 2002, 09:09:00 PM

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I'm having a reoccurring problem with the voltage
regulator going bad. I have noticed the needle of
the ampmeter shaking and stays close to the middle of the gauge.  When A/C and lights it is almost in discharge. I have checked all of the
connections and grounds. My last event was a dead
battery and all of a sudden it starts to peak out
the meter to the +. I replace the voltage regulator and everything is ok for a while. The
alternator has been changed also.


In my help question, I omitted that the Clipper
is a 1977 Dodge 440 engine


Keys. My ammeter needle would show no charge for awhile . Then it would bounce up to the charge side and be okay till I shut the engine off. One day I noticed the connector on the volt.reg. Was sitting at an angle on the reg. One of the clips on the regulator was not staying connected. The wire harness was routed so it was too short,and was pulling the regulator wire connector loose. Double check all of those connectors. I had a lot of corrosion on all of the wire ends. I had to do every wire connector from the headlights to the taillights.Ours is also a "77" 440.


Keys just because you changed the alt dosent mean that its ok Iv seen many of then bad right out of the box also a dead cell in your battery will cause the problems also drive it to sears and for $15.00 bucks thell check over everything battery alt and reg there checker also checks drains and bad wiring hope this helps