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Motor and trans is out

Started by John Eversoll, June 14, 2010, 12:44:54 AM

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John Eversoll

Well, I got the motor and trans out this afternoon..

Now to take them to the shop.  And start re wireing the rig..

After being on my back and looking at all the mess underneith, wires and sloppy

plumbing.  Now the biggest task is under way.. Will let you know what goes on


Good to here it is out and you are ok. Would not want you down all summer. How did you like your OR trip?
I did not hear from you so no coffee this time maybe next time.
have a good day.


John Eversoll

Hi Chuck, Sorry....  We were kinda busey... actually we just got wrapped up in our

stuff with the property and the ten days went by sooo fast!!!

We are thinking of getting back up there in three months.... So if you want we could get together then..
Had a great time, stayed at Americas best motel  right next to Molleys resturant...

Had to be the Best biscuits and gravey I have ever had!!!!!!  Plus the first day we were on the property there was a small heard of dear
somewhere around eight maybe  nine.  They were eating the wild strawberries that are on the property.

Hey thanks for contacting me , keep in touch!!    John