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Shore power

Started by jvarner75, June 11, 2010, 02:50:34 PM

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Hey - new member and owner here.  I picked up a '79 21' with a side kitchen, 440, and 58k miles and am anxious to get out in it.

The problem I'm having seems pretty lame, but I've gone over every inch of this thing and can't figure out where the external 110 power plugs in!  I see a plug-in in the external compartment behind the power converter where the fridge and microwave are plugged in, but no male outlet to connect to outside power.

I am a bit puzzled to find what appears to be a 220v hookup in the generator compartment and a second 220 outlet with a cord under the dining seat(?).

Any ideas?


That cord under the dining room seat is your shore power cord. What you probably need is the adapter for the end which changes the funny looking end to one that looks like it might plug into a household plug. They are available at WalMart or Camping World. You can also find them online. The outlet in the garage are is where the generator plugs in and then under the seat you plug the cord into the receptacle you will find there. You can then run your system from the generator or from shore power. Good luck. Also if you are interested there is a ACOC national group that will cost you $30.00 for the year to belong. Lets you buy things for the clipper you will need as time goes on. You can find the form on line and then you send a check to ACOC Membership, 2853 Smoke Tree Circle, Stockton, Ca. 95209.
canine caravan ACOC #3552


Yeah, I took it over to an RV place and they fixed me up.  Thanks for the info.  I'm on the road!