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Furnace - Squirrel Cage

Started by digs, September 20, 2009, 05:41:19 PM

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I have original Coleman 4300 series furnace. I fear the squirrel cage bearings are fried. When I cranked it up I can hear a loud squeal. Does anyone know if the bearings are replaceable or do I have replace the entire cage. It seems parts are unheard of though. Perhaps someone has one for sale. Just wondering. Thanks.


Hi Digs
I just looked in my Coleman service manual and it does not have a parts breakdown for the blower. I am guessing that the blower has bronze bushings and I know that motor shops in my area will repair/replace them. If they don't have them they will make them on a metal lathe. You may be able to clean and lube them. A small hole drilled thru the bushing to the shaft is what I have done before on other projects to get the oil in and get the spin back, and stop the noise. I have never taken out the Coleman furnace but I have heard that it is an   challenging  job for a beginner. If you do it PLEASE take pictures and tell me how you did it.