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Furnace blower

Started by caninecaravan, August 24, 2009, 10:15:22 PM

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Is it blowing when you turn on the thermostat? is it Suburban or coleman?

as to what I will do, take my wife out to eat at the Glacier Brewhouse, then go home and kiss the kids....and spank the wife ;D

John Eversoll


I wish I was 30 yrs younger!!! I'd do the same :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
John E.



The blower does not come on even when you put the thermostat in the high position. Tried kicking it again but it still won't work. The unit is the coleman that came with the 78 clipper origionally.
canine caravan ACOC #3552


You have to have it tested to see why the blower does not come on. Blower must come on first before the burner will activate.