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New Furnace Ignitor Board

Started by prophetdaniel2, April 21, 2008, 12:22:14 AM

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     Well I finally got around to replacing my Suburban furnace Igniter board, which failed last fall during my last camping trip. I used the "Dinosaur Electronics fan 50 Plus Pins" from Marks RV:

    I had removed the Furnace last fall to run tests and make sure I was diagnosing the problem correctly.
I used a small bottle jack directly under the Refrigerator to provide enough space for removal. I guess either the jack de-pressurized or I let the pressure off over the winter because I had a TOUGH time getting the furnace back in place as the plywood  shelving had begun to sag.
I also took the time to re plumb the LP line to the furnace as the old bit was terribly misshapen and too long as well.
     The board comes with some pigtail wires which are supposed to mate up directly with the blower motor hot wire and thermostat relay, the "universal connector" for the hot wire needed slight modification in order to fit at all. Nothing major just some relief cuts with a razor knife did the trick to my satisfaction.
     The new board tested out well two times before I got to cramming the furnace back in place, which is a two person job FYI. Thankfully I had my six year old son to man a pry bar through the exhaust vent while I shoved from inside the Clipper. Be careful no to pinch or snag any of the wires which conveniently run through this compartment.
     This new Igniter Board is one slick little unit!  It works just like the instructions said, and they even threw in some additional safety features. It has a diagnostic LED, which you can see with the exhaust vent removed should you need to, and different light combinations mean different problems or stages of operation. Just be sure to keep the documentation handy for future reference. I'm glad I kept mine, the little green light is telling me that I get to remove the furnace all over again and replace the Sail Switch which is another safety device that is apparently stuck.
     Seriously, if you are going to be removing your furnace anytime soon I would recommend buying a new Dinosaur Electronics Igniter board and slapping it in while you've got your furnace handy. It is very easy to install and the added safety features of the up-to-date circuitry are worth the investment, plus when something else goes wrong, the little LED will tell you which part to buy before you even pull your furnace out of the alcove!