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Started by brianthelion02, March 08, 2006, 04:41:17 PM

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My clipper came with no generator,what size should i be looking for to run the coleman roof a/c?Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!! :D


My 78  never have a generator. I did not want to give up the side storage compartment so I bought a Onan 2800 microlite and mounted it underneath just behind the gas tank. It runs the roof a/c fine. I don't run the a/c with any other big power users like the mw or a toaster, it was a big investment so I like to baby it. If you want to run it all at once you will need a 4000 watt or better and put it in the side box.



Thank you,thats what i needed to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skip Molen

Jerry do you have pics of the gen mounted under or some tips or directions. I don't want to give up the compartment either. I am getting a onan micoquite 4000 tomarrow. Thanks Skip


The 4k was to big to fit in my 78. I have the 50 gal tank and I had to square it up to get the 2.8k in. A factory 30 gal may give you enough room. I took some pics but have not sent the roll in yet.  Keep me posted and good luck.