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Honda gen. @home depot $489 ????

Started by Rastaman, August 17, 2005, 08:34:36 AM

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I saw a "contractor" type gen. honda motor,not sure who makes the gen. but it does use roller bearings (important) its has ahandle and is fairly light..could lift with one hand......
I was wondering what the clubs thoughts are on something like this...I am concerned about the noise level of it...and cant hear it  run...however i am sure it sounds like a pressure i would welcome thoughts of nosie reduction....I know honda makes a gen. thats real way I am i buying a gen thats worth more than my clipper....
what are others doing for "cheap" electric



I've never seen a priceless generator. That's what my Clipper is worth. All depends on how you look at it Rastaman.

My Clipper came with a generac generator. I consider it loud compared to the newer Onan and Hondas; however, I went to the beach July 4th weekend and there were travel trailer there with portable generators and the sound horrible. Those things were crazy loud. My generator sounded very quiet compared to those.

I plan to change mine one day but for now it serves its purpose. If you are going to buy one, make sure it what you want. Spend the duckies the first time rather than buying an inferior model and wanting to upgrade later! Just my 2 cents (actually 1 cent because my wife owns half :shock: ).

Andy Illes

Rasta.... check too, they usually have the best deals I've found on gennies. Yeah... like Ray said, noise is the big thing with "contractor" models... they'll get your butt kicked.  On the other hand, quiet RV models are basically the same except for their enclosures and sound insulation.

Fred doesn't have a genny and - since I don't wanna give up my basement storage space - I'm gonna make a body-shape-matching marine ply/fiberglass enclosure across the rear... stick a genny in the door-side, storage for the rest.    Dunno when I'll get around to it, but I've made a bunch of taped-up cardboard templates already.

I bought a tiny, satchel-sized Chinese "camp" model (600w) for my trip back home, and it worked fine for lights, the fridge and puter.... nothing more though.  It was also whisper quiet.... plugged it into the fridge outlet.  Got stolen at JB's in Fancy Gap.... sigh... couldn't power either the nuke or the AC of course.  Get one between 3 and 4 kw, and it'll run the whole shebang at the same time.  Watch the output ratings.. "continuous" rating's what counts, esp for the AC's high starting need.


Hey Andy...that JB's in Fancy gap really did you in didnt it....pitty....I think any thing over 3K is going to be too and thought was to just get a small light weight,sound proof, and have more storage are you planning to mount your planned addition?

Andy Illes

JB's.... sigh.  Brings tears to my eyes.  Then again, what can you expect from a place with Bud's in the Pepsi machines... and "gitfiddles".  Oh well, yet another experience.

I'm gonna bond the tail-end thing right to the body, the shapes back there make it easy to blend in to look like OEM.  Saw a pic in onna the convention posts of a similar idea, storage thing back there, though there was no attempt to make that one to look like it was part of the original design.

Halftime's over..... later.