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How too much?

Started by Rastaman, August 09, 2005, 04:43:42 PM

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As a new clipper owner...and not having had the pleasure to build a relationship with my accusition....I have started to question my motivation to get this project road far I have been able to fix a few obvious things relitively inexpensively....however big bucks are steering me in the face ...up start with 6 new tires...the a/c is not working at the moment,not sure about the fridge...then the possability of needing a new transmission....and who knows what else...the question is.....what is the reasoning for having more $$$ invested than the thing is probably worth...and  on top of all that, the way the gas prices are going at the moment, i probably wont be able to afford to drive the thursty bugger...........(having a weak moment here guys,,help me out :oops:



Take it out once and notice all conversations that will arise about your Clipper! My father, brothers and uncles were shade-tree mechanics. I learned a thing or two other than fetching wrenches over the years. I enjoy fixing things.

I went to college (Jackson State.......hint hint Rastaman) and obtianed a BA in Finance. Then found myself behind a desk all day. I love what I do but love to tinker around outdoors. Having my Clipper allows me to tinker all I want to. It give me chance to travel as well. Yeah.........I've spent more than I could get out of it but I've had loads of fun and learned alot. Plus I get to talk to you guys and gals on a daily basis.

If you like RVing and like to tinker.... having a older motorhome is the way to go. Clippers, I think are some well built mechines. If that hasn't convinced you.........go and look at the price of a new RV. The B class are pricey as heck.

Bottomline, spend what you can and enjoy your Clipper! Think of it as getting it the way you want it as oppose to getting out of it what you put into it!


hi David,
I know where you are coming from... I am all the time putting more money in projects that they pencil to be worth for both myself and for customers {I am an autobody tech / mechanic (if I really have to)}.
you have to find a relationship or love for what you are wanting to restore. I consider it more of an adoption I guess cuz the first few months or years depending on how fast you get working on the project is a get to know each other period. If the realationship doesn't work out... well don't beat yourself up just move on before you get in to deep. BUT if you find you want to continue the relationship it can be a rewarding journey for all involved. I get burned out on working on my clipper {and other projects I have} so I get away from it for a while and when I come back to it for what ever reason weather it is to use it or work on it I see the progress I have done and want to do more or got enjoy the work I have done on it already. I have proabably spent more time in the past few year enjoying my Clipper in my back yard tinkering the accually going anywhere. But when I do hit the road I will know what  I have and when asked who did the work I can say I DID. That is a really nice feeling and satisfaction.
FYI I have {a guess} 7 - 8 grand in my home so that is what it's worth to me and I will spend more time and money on it as time goes on but the good thing is I have no payment like you would if you went out and bought a newer one. so the spending is under my control I guess.
Yep fuel and licenses fees are brutal, insurance is fairly reasonable but they do cost money to keep around. So far I have replaced engine and rear axle, fridge, carpet and a ton of interior work and more that I forgot about but it's getting closer to done and I really like having my clipper around hoping that later on I will be able to use it more that I am now.
take care and good luck with your decisions it will work out what ever you do.


here's my rough figures

I have almost $14,000.00 in my Clipper as follows:
$7,000 - acquisition price
$7,000 - upgrades, repairs, new stuff (trans, brakes, radiator, carb, intake manifold, tires twice, leaf springs, shocks, electircial stuff, house items, etc., etc.)

1) I have owned it 7 years and taken over 100 trips - comes to about $140.00 per trip (ya sure can't rent an RV for that - figuring the "average" trip was say 4 days long)
2) So it has cost me $2,000 per year over this time period - $166/month.
3) Guess where we lived for 4 months while we remodled our house? That saved me 4 months of "rent" - here in santa cruz - probably $4,000.00
5) I have instant housing for overflow guests.
6) I have instant and constant earthquake shelter/preparation in the event a bad one hits - here in santa cruz - probably just a matter of time (hopefully not in the next 100 years though!
7) I like coming home after work and seeing it at my house    :)
8) When you do go camping, people will constantly come up and ask you questions about your Clipper......that's fun.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


Thanks for the encouragement guys....thats what i needed...a good old pep talk ....I might be coming back for more  :)
Like you, I do like the felling of accomplishement you get from tinkering and fixing....taking it from "that to this" and knowing you did it. however at times I do feel overwhelmed by all the projects around me...begging for attention and $$$....and yes..I guess I could get this baby pretty sharp for a fraction of what a newer one would cost...even if I couldnt get  the money back out of it....but what the aint all about the almighty buck is it....I'll end up broke but have a dam nice clipper in the back yard :D  :D
yeh mon!

Andy Illes

You just got some great info Mike.... I "10/4" all of it.

One idea to help ya... tires.  Fred came with scary shoes too, and needed a new set immediately!!  I found really excellent USED ones, and ran with those nearly a year (including a Colorado trip) before I got new.  As you've surely seen.... age is more important than tread.  If you look though, you'll find ones in really good shape, without sidewall cracking, etc., and they'll be $20 or so, mounted/balanced.  Leave ya some for other immediate needs.  800 x 16.5 is a difficult to find, just call around.   All kinds of other money-saving shortcuts too.

Next... find a junkyard with our vintage vans.  If there's none around Tampa, there's a FANTASTIC one in Daytona, 1/2 mi W of I-95 on Raceway Blvd (So side).... has several DOZEN!!!

If you need, my number's 407-334-0736


Used tires eh? why didnt i think of that....(too much doobie?)
thanks Andy....and ill keep that # handy  :)