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Here she is - '78 Dodge 440 21 footer

Started by ExTookItAll, July 19, 2005, 03:58:50 PM

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Here's a few pics of the outside.. very busy lately so I have no interior shots yet. Again, these pics are designed to show you how she was abused at onetime... the paint job was ruined, etc... she needs lots of work.

- Keith


Nice looking outfit !!
no rear bumper?
keep us posted on your projects


She doesn't look that bad to me. That aqua color doesn't do much for me but hey.............

It's odd seeing the frig vent on the driver's side!


Nice looking unit - but I hate to be the one to break this to you - but you have a regular 21 foot Clipper (actually 20.5 feet) - you have a  "Bunkhouse model"

All 24 foot Clippers had "mid-ship" doors, and were actually almost 24 feet long
The bunkhouse is a nice floor plan  if it works for you.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


Quote from: "Horst"Nice looking unit - but I hate to be the one to break this to you - but you have a regular 21 foot Clipper (actually 20.5 feet) - you have a  "Bunkhouse model"

All 24 foot Clippers had "mid-ship" doors, and were actually almost 24 feet long
The bunkhouse is a nice floor plan  if it works for you.

I was wondering about the length when I saw the pictures :?:
on the up side you have less Sq footage to restore :)  

terry and karen conkle

i think the color is realy nice!



I Wasn't sure about the color combo at first  :? but after looking at it again what could help the color combination  is-- a compliment of orange or to the light red side of the color wheel to tie in the light blue instead of the dark lower stripe. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :D


Thanks for the responses... a 21' bunker, eh? Actually, the bunk area doesn't do much for me. I was thinking of converting that area into a computer area of some sort, tho that idea is miles from what I'm in the middle of right now...

No matter what you mix with that teal, it ain't gonna do it for me Rodney!  :lol:  I absolutely must have the brown and gold scheme put back.. and soon!

As promised, some interior shots soon!

- Keith


That's a good choice to go back with what was originally on the Clipper :P
The blue wasn't a very good choice IMHO


You are the first one I have seen with bunks. Ours also is that style and we love it!! Lots of room for grandkids. Also great storage when we are doing a long haul. Have had great fun tinkering on it ourselves. Husband is retired and we can fix about anything oursevles!
Have hit the road as a traveler working nuke jobs and other out of state work-keep her stocked and tanks full so can hit the road on a moments notice.
Proud owner.