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transmission fluid

Started by mikeyo, August 02, 2005, 12:37:01 PM

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i recently replaced my tranny fluid and filter. it looks like i overfilled it. the fluid goes over the full mark by a good 7-10 cms. should i drain some? how can i without taking the pan off again?! i tried not to over fill it!

Andy Illes

Hi Mike.  Do you know which tranny you have?  If it's a 727 (like most of the Dodge's) you have to check the level in neutral, after you shift through all the gears to fill the valve body.  It will read high if you check it in Park.

If you're sure the level is in fact high, you can usually siphon enough out with a small hose through the filler neck.


thanks for the wisdom andy. will do.


if you find you are over full you can also loosen the cooling line which goes to the lower radiator tank while the engine is runniing with a drain pan under let some fluid leak out. the pressure to the cooling side of the trans is low only 10 - 25 lbs . you will need to have the trans in netrual for the pump to push the fluild.
when the trans is cool idling in netral you want the fluid to read 1/2 way between the full and add mark.