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Fan Belts

Started by Jimbilly, July 24, 2005, 02:09:29 PM

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The fan belts on my '78 440 don't line up properly for the alternator.  Can someone give me the proper paths and order for the belts.  It seems that the first  grove on the harmonic balancer should go to the alternator but the water pump pulley is too close to it.  The water pump has a two grove pulley as does the alternator and the power steering has only a single grove pulley.  I have heard it mentioned that there is an idler pulley in some applications, is this where my problem lies???  If some one could give me at least the order of the belts on the harmonic balancer starting from the front of the engine out towards the radiator it would be a starting point.  I would really appreciate any help in straightening out this mess.