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Replace my Duo Therm A/C

Started by bigray, July 04, 2005, 01:41:19 PM

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I heard a radio DJ say the other day that it was so hot outside it felt like someone set the thermostat to HELL. :shock:

I don't know if it's that hot but it's pretty toasty outside. So much so my 25 year-old Duo-Therm A/C couldn't keep up this weekend. I guess I'm going to have to put it to rest.

Has anyone installed a new A/C. I don't know if mine is a 13,500 btu or a 15,000 btu; however, I'm going to install a 15,000 btu. Hopefully, I want to  replace the A/C without any modifications. Please share your experience if you've replaced yours. Thank!


Big Ray

I did install a Colman Mac 3 some years ago. My Clipper did not have  the roof air. The unit specs out at 13000 btu's and works very well.  My experience was the unit fit well after I removed the existing roof vent. The nearly impossable task was getting it up on the roof the unit is real heavy.  I harnessed the unit with a rope and pulled from the roof while my help pushed and walked it up the ladder angled  leaned against the side of the clipper. Caution  be sure and check for all parts. Sure enough  a couple of brackets were missing and I had to make a hurried trip back to the supplier finish the install and was on my way.

Good Luck


Thanks for the reply S-jet. I agree with you that those units are heavy. I removed mine to make sure it was sealed properly a while back. I managed to remove it and move it to the edge of the roof but it wasn't an easy task.  I plan to hoist the new one in the air in my storage unit (or elsewhere and drive underneath it. After the install I'll hoist the old one and drive away leaving it hanging in the air. I should be able to lower it to the ground and dispose of it.

Most likely I'll keep the shrode and inside assembly just in case some other owner needs it in the future.

I'll keep you posted. I have to find a good price on the A/C first oherwise, Mama's not going to let me get jack!