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Goofy Electrical Problem

Started by Nel77, June 26, 2002, 10:23:00 AM

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Hello all,
I returned from a short camping trip about ten days ago and my deep cycle battery was nearly full charged. Last night I went out to the rig to grab something and when flipped the switch for the light, nothing happened. I checked my battery condition and it was flatlined. Since it was dark, I put it off until today. The condition had not changed. I disconnected the battery and it tested good (it is only 2 months old). I reconnected it and went inside to check the condition and it popped all the way up to the top. Once I tried turning on the lights, it flatlined again. I tried this several times with a number of 12v items with the same result. I used a meter and test light to check for shorts and there are none. Finally, rather than running in and out I turned the 12v fan on hoping that I could hear it if I accidentally fixed the problem in the storage compartment or battery compartment. I notice on the way out that the furnace was not turned to off and since we have had 90 degree plus temps lately the thermomitor was maxed out. I turned the furnace off and low and belold the fan kicked in. Now everything is working fine. After that lengthy description, has anyone ever had a problem like this? Is there some sort of a automatic switch in the thermostat? Help! I don't want electrical problems in the middle of nowhere. As always, I appreciate any imput that you all may have.
Randy Nelson
ACOC member 3307


Dear Randy:  Being of an older generation, What does "flatline" mean?  Dead battery?  The battery condition indicator above the 'fridge is in the red? What?


Our furnaces have an internal thermostatic switch called a "stack switch" which  controls the fan  during furnace operation.  When the room gets up to temperature and the furnace cuts off the flame, this switch keeps the fan running until the residual heat remaining in the combustion chamber has been exhausted, then the fan shuts off. The Coleman furnaces, which have a pilot light burning, especially in hot weather, may have enough heat in the chamber to activate the fan, even with the room thermostat turned down. I saw this happen in my brother's Clipper. If this condition happened, the fan could possibly get turned on and discharge the battery.
The Suburban furnaces have no pilot light, so this isn't likely to be a problem.
Harold, #886


Tiger Cat, by "flatline" I mean that the indicator is at the bottom of the red. It doesn't even move.
HPotter, thanks for the tip, but I have a Suburban furnace.
I checked everything this morning and all seems to be well. We are taking off for a weekend camping trip today so I guess by the end of the weekend, we will have a good idea of whether or not it is going to work.
Thanks so much for the input.
Randy Nelson
ACOC member 3307