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water pump replacement finished

Started by mikeyo, May 05, 2005, 01:40:03 PM

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i did it, and for some reason it was a lot easier than you indicated. i don't know what's going on, but i have 3 radiators: one for the engine, another for the tranny and another for the air conditioning. all i had to do was disconnect the big hoses from the top and bottom of the radiator to pull it out. was it supposed to be harder? i never dealt with any transmission coolant lines as far as i know.  it no longer leaks (hooray!) but i have what sounds like a loose belt noise now. i must tighten that new fan belt i bought. thanks for all the help.


Good Job Mike, you are a better wrench than you are letting on.  :D
The transmission cooling lines must have been routed directly to the trans cooler you spoke of.
I have in the past always hooked the extra cooler in series with the radiator... first to the radiator then to the one out front, for that little extra cooling capability. Glad your job went so smoothly. A new belt will stretch tighten it up and you should be good to go. check the coolant after you have ran the rig for a few miles in case the were any air bubbles trapped in the engine.

Andy Illes

Congrats Mike!!   Like Rodney said, someone likely bypassed the radiator cooler for the tranny.  Did you see any unused (open) fittings on the bottom inside of the radiator, on either side?   Those wouldda been the ones.  Also as Rodney said, be SURE to check your coolant after a few miles.  My 360 was popping and sputtering steam in the heads for a good while, and then sucked coolant in.... about an extra gallon's worth, I think.