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leaking grey water

Started by mikeyo, June 02, 2005, 03:23:46 PM

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hey i went over something and made a crack on the pipe next to the grey water emptying valve, right where the valve meets the pipe after it's just left the grey water tank. i tried plumbers putty, and fibreglass tape but none of it worked and now i'm left with a big taped up mess. and god only knows where the crack is. mabe i should sand all the fiberglass tape off and try again? or would it work if i covered the mess in bondo? would bondo work in any circumstances? what a drag. i'm leaking all over the road. poor form. thanks.

Richard Peterson

Sounds like it is time to replace the valve and the pipe to the grey water tank.  It is not as expensive as you might think.  Something between 30 and 50 dollars.  Valterra makes a nice replacemnt unit with valves for the black and grey water tanks. 8)
Richard Peterson

Andy Illes

Richard is right about the first choice being to replace.  If you can't do that for any reason, get whatever you've smeared on it off, and clean as best you can.  Get a tub of "duct cement" at Home Depot (it's made to seal heating/air conditioning ducts), and a roll of regular fiberglass joint tape for drywall... I've been a walking disciple of that stuff since I discovered it!!!  The tub & tape will be less than $10 together.... and is great for a ton of other uses you're sure to find for it, so no waste.

That's about the only stuff I've ever found that will reliably stick to that plastic and stay on.... or to anything else, for that matter.  Despite that it's water clean-up, after it's completely dried, it's waterproof (hair drier speeds it).  Smear a thin bedding coat on (safe to use your hands), then lay strips of the mesh into it, wrapping all the way around would be best, if you can... cover with more duct goop.  I'd use 2 layers of mesh.  That should do it for you.

It's also great to bed/seal stuff on the roof, or anywhere else

Good luck.


thanks a million guys. andy, that was exactly the reply i needed!

Robert P. Anderson

Mel - our Clipper supply man has a whole new setup from the tanks to the new style valves that is the best way to fix all your gray and black water piping. The new setup has both valves out front where you can get to them. The whole setup is about the cost of repairing the old style valves. The kit includes all the pipe, fittings, valves , and a can of glue. They are listed in the forms sestion. Price $65 for rear kit and $75 for side kit. You will wonder why you didn't find it before :D

Andy Illes

I sure wish I had known that earlier, before I bought & installed new paddles last summer... as you said, same $$.  Sigh.

Andy Illes

Hey Robert.... would you mind saying exactly where those valves are listed?   Just spent a half hour poking around the site and didn't find 'em.

Thanks.... Andy   :D

Robert P. Anderson

Hi Andy
Click on the red white and blue Clipper decal on the upper left side will take you to the page that has a list of all the links on the left side. There is one near the bottom that is for forms. Click on that one. Then ACOC Merchandise order form. Look under coach/chasis exterior items. Listed is Sewer systems. Those are the parts. :D


it's all fixed and i used abs cement and drywall tape and did a beautiful job. i took everythhing that was there before me off, to find the pipe was split in two.  i used a whole pot of the abs cement and plenty of tape. it still leaked slightly through some pinholes since i had to do thhe job wet, but i then got some 'liquid welder and smeared that all over, wrappingg it all in the tape. so far so good.