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Temp Gauge not working despite new sensor.

Started by bigray, April 10, 2005, 07:27:16 PM

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I installed a new sensor in my Clipper but the gauge doesn't work. Any suggestions. Fuse is good!


I would guess you have already grounded the temp wire at the sending unit,  this should have the gauge read all the way hot. since you replaced the sender and the ground test shows no movement in the gauge start tracing the wire to the gauge. one place to inspect closely would  be the connection going thru the fire wall. on mopars this is always a problem area. could be the gauge but check wiring first.
good luck and let us know how it goes.  :D


I pulled my doghouse to investigate why my temp gauge wasn't working and guess what I found. The guy that installed the new sensor forgot to connect the wire to it. Duhhhh!

It works fine now!


Time to fined a new mechanic and quick


Quote from: "handyman"Time to fined a new mechanic and quick

That was my thought as well :shock:
I have found in the past.. if you want it done right you  have to do it yourself. & I couldn't afford a GOOD Mechanic anyway & working on these old clippers or any older auto is so much different that new cars with computers, ya have to have like for working on them IMHO. I do but sometimes they can really try your patience. :?


Folks think just because the Clippers are 25 years old they shouldn't take the extra time and care to make sure things are right. Hell, I care more about my Clipper than the cars I drive every day which are alot newer.

That was the first time I let my someone else touch the Clipper (other than my brother) since I had it. They did fairly good job on replacing the brake lines however I might not ever let anyone else touch it again! Even, if I have to pay someone to use a rack, I do it myself!