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kitchen faucet /roof air

Started by comunelli, June 03, 2002, 02:07:00 AM

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I had some leaking from the kitchen faucet, what is the best replacement faucet.  How difficult is it to install.

The roof a/c will sometimes freeze solid when running for long periods.  Any idea of what may be causing it?

Finally, house battery doesn't seem to holding a charge.  How do you test to determine if it is working properly.

Many Thanks,



My roof air froze up yesterday while running for the day in our driveway (packing the thing for a trip). What a coincidene you wrote about it the same day. I had the coldness control (thermostat?) cranked all the way up, and the blower on low cool. Today I'll try the blower on high cool and set the thermostat to a lower setting so the compresor cycles on and off instead of running constantly. Hopefully that will allow for some defrosting between cycles. I'll post the results after I try it today.

Eric Gibbons #3021


OK, test completed. With the AC on the high blower position and the temp control on 5 1/2, it blew lots of cold air all day.
Eric #3021

Sally Ann Healy

The first summer that I drove my Clipper to dog shows in the northwest & used the overhead AC, I became ill after the first 2 trips.  I decided that it was spores or something blowing out of it.  So, I got a can of hospital-type disinfectant spray that kills all kinds of germs etc. & sprayed the heck out of it all the way around.  Smelled alot better, & I didn't get sick anymore. SA Healy #3165