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Mods and repairs to my '79 21 ft Clipper

Started by Rodney, March 23, 2005, 06:19:15 AM

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I would like to thank Charles and Carolyn for getting my new membership packet to me.
I have done several modifications to my home since I bought it in 1999.
the interior was really not that bad other than some water damage to the ceiling area where the A/C unit was mounted. this was causing the roof to sag and creating a low area for water to stand. I removing the A/C unit, cabinets, fridge and everything else which was in the way to replace the piece of paneling. I chose a panel that had a white vinyl on in and painted the rest of the ceiling to match. I did not install the a/c unit just a nice vent. the roof was still sagging so I bought a shower curtain bar and cut to length and after jacking the roof panel up several inches installed the bar which you can see in the left of the picture. I reinforced the areas around the ceiling to help support the extra load of the rod. After having the cabinets above the  table and on the rt side I liked how it opened up the coach so I painted the dark paneling and installed the coated wire racks that you see on the right. I really hated those cabinets anyway as I could never remember where I put stiff in them and was constantly opening them and bumping my head in to the open doors. PROBLEM SOLVED!!

if I have this image post figured out I will add more pictues as I proceed.
I have the home back in the shop an am finishing the fridge enclosuer area which involves building the duct work for the vent.
Thats a story in itself! I had the vent for the fridge covered with the new piece of panel thinking I proably wouldn't put in a fridge for a while but a good deal came along {200$ for a used one} thats seems to work great. so I proceded to cut the vent hole out and in the few months since I did the work on the roof BIRDS had managed to get past the screen and build a nest on the vent area. AKKK what a mess and the grass, straw and twigs had already started to smell like a wet hay stack.  I now need to get some new screen and cover that to keep the birds out of there. Has anyone had the lid off of this vent to do this? looks to me like its not removable ohter that pulling the entire thing which I don't plan on doing.
thanks for taking a look and any suggestions or comments are welcome.