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U- joints

Started by aliendude, November 09, 2004, 07:38:30 PM

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Henh Henh...  he said Joint.    

Has anyone replace thier u-joints on a Dodge M400 chassis '78.or

Are they the same ones as a B300 on ton van?   Auto part chain stores
don't list an M400 in their parts database.  

I'd like to replace mine with greasable ones.....they clang.
Most definitely the back one...... back one missing some needles.

Andy Illes


I hadda get mine replaced on the trip up to NY.  There are 2 sizes listed.... get both, and take the one that doesn't fit back.   It solved 95% of my vibration at 55+ and I'll probably have the bearing in my rear-end  (well... not mine... the coach's) as well as the tranny tail-shaft done too before I head back north.  Mine didn't even clang like u-joints usually do (I thought I was losing a wheel bearing), but gave a really scary vibration.... literally shook the whole coach!!

Just found my receipt from Colony Tire in Rocky Mount, NC..... "FAP 316"