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propane heater

Started by luni, November 01, 2004, 04:35:36 PM

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when i turn my propane heater on, the air blows, but the pilot light doesn't go on.  what do you think is wrong or where should i light the pilot?


you should be hearing  a 'tick-tick-tick...' after you turn up the thermostat.  This is is the piezo igniter which gets the flame going.  My unit had the same symptoms as yours a while back.  I removed the furnace and replaced the system board, (the printed circuit board with all the little electronic components).  I had a local RV outfit test the board with their equipment.  Cost me about $100.

The newer board will now start the ignition after about 15 to 20sec of fan blowing, a little different sequence than the original.

Do a search on this site for "furnace" and you will see previous posts about this.