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dash AC

Started by Andy Illes, September 10, 2004, 10:48:54 AM

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Andy Illes

Hi all.

A friend switched my AC to the new kind of freon, and while finishing charging it, we heard a "pop" in the evaporator box and the entire charge hissed out... DAMN!!!!  AC shops either don't want to touch it, or want over $700 - which I don't want to touch.  I'm fairly mechanical but this looks intimidating.  Has anyone changed this out DIY, and if so how and are there any interchanges?

FYI, I learned there's a pressure switch in these things which keeps the compressor clutch off if there's not enough freon in the system.  I thought my compressor was shot since it wouldn't ever turn on before, but it just needed the charge.  It started working/cooling fine until the infamous "pop".

Best regards, Andy


I'd suspect that the new R134 mixed up in your system, with
the old type refigerant oil - making a gummy foam mixture
which gummed up the shuttle valve, and it blew on the
high side.    

There is a way to clean the entire system and remove the old type oil.

Or maybe the evaporator lines sat and corroded and blew at a corroded
weak point.      

In any case, it will be cheaper to replace the evaporator yourself.


Andy Illes-New freon[R-134]
If your coach is a Dodge chassis, The new freon is not compatable with the dodge regulating system. I don't recall the exact details, But its in the back news letters.  8)  One system has a sliding needle in an oriface to control freon flow amounts, The other system has a valve not unlike a faucet as I understand it. I don't lnow who has which, or which one don't work properly. :shock:  Except My air conditioner shop said the dodge system won't work right. :? Bob

Andy Illes

Thanx for the replies Alien and Bob.  I guess it doesn't much matter why it blew..... it blew.... and my issue now is how to fix/replace it.  Has anyone replaced theirs?  How?   :shock:  Andy


If you have a shuttle valve unit ( kind of looks like a regulator with like a tiny metal tube on it ) the new stuff won't work.  

Did you look in Year -One or a Mopar magazine for a modern comperssor conversion kit?