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City water vs. pump

Started by HPotter, September 25, 2004, 06:04:58 AM

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In 22 years of Clippering, we have always preferred to use our own water system rather than to hook up to the "city water" connection available in the parks. It seems to me that as our plumbing systems age, there is a much greater risk of leaks developing in the system, and at least, if one happens, the cycling of the pump gives a warning. On a recent group campout, one of our Chapter members went to bed with the rig connected to the park system and awoke to a flooded bathroom due to a leak under the floor.
At the very least, a pressure regulator on the incoming line set to 30 psi or less, would be desirable. I wonder how many others use the city water connection, and have had such experiences.

Harold, #886


I always use shore supplied water for domestic use.  Not for Drinking.  We drink beer!  Or Wine.  I always use a pressure reducer.  I used my home system this summer and popped a sink connection.  Duh.  We have around 85 psi at my elevation from our water system.  Need to remember that.

aliendude it's worth to buy that pressure reducer regulator thing.....?     Thanks.


heres another good reason to put a regulator on your water hose we went to reno and at that time was the mgm grand hotel and rv park well they had it posted that they had high press water ow well I had a brand new hose well the next morning my new hose looked like it had been runover beaten up and pulled apart after throwing the hose away I went and got a new hose and a pressure regulater that is adjustable set to 30lbs no more problems :D


Yeah, get the regulator.  I keep mine on the end of my hookup hose ready to go.


I second that. Get a regulator quick.


My water tank and pump is in work..... I turned it on once and the sink faucet sprayed everywhere.......


Regulator - yes - always!
One other bit passed on to me from and long time, but now deceased ACOC member - never leave your rig (as in taking the dog for a walk, or going fishing) with shore water plugged in and on.
The has happened one more than one occasion - the owner comes back to a totally flooded Clipper (despite a regulator)

Remember to turn off shore water at the spicket when leaving, and before bed.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.