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Gas tank capacity

Started by bigray, February 02, 2005, 05:47:30 PM

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I dropped my fuel tank to change all the rubber hoses. After I re-mounted it, I put 5 gallons of  gas in it. 5 gallons put it a smidgit pass E. I then drove it to a nearby Sam's to fill it  up. It took 29.5 gallons.

I've always figured that I was on E my tank was empty. When I refilled it only took 30 gallons. I guess this proved that I was wrong. My tank is 36 gallons and hold thereabouts.

I read in a post a while back that there were 5 gallons reserved in the  tank for expansion. Not!!!

For those of you with Chevy chasis with a 36 gallon tank, they do really hold about 36 gallons.


At least your sender works most don't to any degree do you still have the problem


I think I fixed the problem by adding seperate pickup for the generator. I'm heading out in the morning to Lousiana. There a couple of high bridges I have to cross. That will tell the story!

I think the chasis fuel pump was pulling air from the genny line given it was T'ed. I feel confident that adding a separate pickup solved the problem. I don't understand why the previous owner didn't have the same problem.

I'll keep you posted!