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H F Amatuer Radio Antennas On Clippers

Started by skyloop, August 21, 2004, 01:21:12 AM

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I am haviig trouble with noise,I am useing A screwdriver type antenna. It seems to need more ground. I've tied everything possiable togather. Any thoughts would be helpful. Radios are,IC 706- Alinco-Ranger. UHF to 160 inc.11 meters Thanks...Skyloop #3485



You did not say what kind of noise (alternator, spark plug etc) you are hearing or where you have the antenna mounted. Bonding the chassis to the body in several places is one way of getting rid of noise. Of course only the front end of the clipper is bondable. In some vehicles electronic gagues were used. They sure caused a lot of trouble. I dont know if Dodge used them or not. Spark plug noise can some times be eliminated by using resistor plugs or resistor wire. Check the spec's before making any changes  (spark plug wire or plugs) to find out what should be used in your Clipper.

Years ago I mobiled with a Hustler antenna mounted on the right front using a square steel plate. This plate had to be of a cirtain demention which I can't remember but I think it was about 10" to 12 " square. The plate was bolted on to the truck between the top of the grill and where the hood came down and met the grill. I had very little noise and good transmit and reception.



Imgoodwin:                 Thanks  for the response. The noise  seems to be coming from the ignition . All new wires and plugs all resister, the  engine is new and all accessaries inc. the alt. The antenna is mounted on the ladder about 1/2 way up. The ladder,bumper,frame and all body sheetmetal are strapped togather. the only thing that  dampens the noise sofar is,if I plug into shore power( 110) start engine run up to 3000 RPM 80% of the noise is gone. If I unplug cord and just lay cord on the ground about 60% of the noise goes away. sounds like lack of ground. I just dont know how to get any more and be able to drive down the road. The antenna has been checked it's as new. This the only vehicle I have ever failed to find a way to resolve. Thanks agai for the coments...Skyloop-ke6hro[/b]



Seems like you have a good one going there. What type on bonding material did you use? I have used only the copper braid (heavy about 3/4" wide)? Again be sure that you have bonded in several places including the exhaust pipe. This includes bonding the exhaust pipe to the motor. The exhaust pipe hangs on rubber mounts and may not be bonded. You might also take a test antenna and walk around the vehicle and see if the noise is greater in one spot over another. Also make sure that the noise is not coming down the out side of the coax. To eliminate the chance that the noise is coming in on the 12v source, hook up the radio to your house power supply. Run the engine and see if the noise is less or gone. I have mobiled using different vehicles and some were noise free and some were not so good. My last expierence with a 26" cabin cruiser (with noise). Never did get all the noise out of it. I don't have a mobile rig in my Clipper (yet), a Kenwood TS-140 it is setting on my desk.


Your a man after my own heart.  

Have you ever thought about building a high power transmitter
and sending out the pulsed digital code equivalent of the Voyager or
Pioneer Space probe plaques?          

I bet if you were WAY out in the woods or desert someplace, you could
attract a UFO.   Have all the video cameras ready, then bounce it up to
a satellite internet provider to

Oh OH even better, Webcam and video your efforts, and have the
kids or Grandkids in Grey Alien costumes and make the camera all
shakey - like Blair Witch Project.  
Do the Bradey Bunch flashlight UFO on a clear plastic in the sky....
And send the fake abduction video.  

Here's something cool.   I saw fast tactical HF longwire V that un-spooded from reels on the rear roof of a commucations truck.     I figure somethng like that on the top rear of my Clipper.   Stake one end and drive to unspool the longwire....

Have you put a spider web ground plane on the roof the the RV?  
Epoxy the legs into the fiberglass...

Or Or just turn the entire clipper into a Wi-Fi surfing ELINT van....
park in the parking lot of a major bank HQ..... and see how
long before the Break the door in.......
Have like 5 flat screens in there and several Linux boxes
running Satan over Wi Fi.....
They bust in and your like "What? What?"

Or Or Heck,  you even got a shower to shower after dumpster diving
the CitiCorp or KB Homes Corp dumpster..........

'Because all the evidence to the contrary, is not totally dissuasive'