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For Shayne

Started by Andy Illes, September 21, 2004, 10:20:06 AM

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Andy Illes

First of all, in behalf of all Clip-site users (again), THANX for a GREAT website!!!   Secondly, though hardly a biggie, is your clock set right?  I'm pretty sure I was WAY too far into cocktail hour to be cogently posting at some of the times the site lists.


Well thanks.  :)

And the clock SHOULD be OK..... But did you know there is an option in your user profile for different time zones?  It is set according to GMT.  So you ned to know where you are....  West Cost is GMT -7 (till daylight savings, then it's GMT -8)  East Coast would be GMT -4 (and GMT -5 after daylight savings)
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


There's a neat website called "Dimension" that has a freeware program you can download which resets your computer clock to the precise time every time you go online. I've found that the internal clocks in computers are considerably less accurate than your average Timex!

Harold, #886


Check for a battery on your motherboard.  The time will start to lag when the battery is low.  It is a watch style battery, 3V ususally.  just replace it.