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paint recipes

Started by Proud2BAmerricun, January 05, 2004, 07:55:00 AM

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Does anyone know the original paint recipes of the clipper? I'd like to repaint mine back to original without the using the rattle can technique. I don't have the past journals to read otherwise I'd look it up, so if anyone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your help! Also, how do you determine if you have the party style clipper or is it the same as the bunk style clipper? Thanks again.
                Happy Clippering,
                   Ron H.
1978 Dodge
440 cu.
side kitchen
bunk beds

Tyler Hoodenpyle

Hi there, to answer your question just click on the search box in the upper right hand portion of your screen and then type in paint and you will get many ideas on painting your Clipper.  As for the party model, if your rig has swivel barrel chairs as opposed to a roll over couch on the passenger side, be it a rear kitchen or a side kitchen it is a party model.  The bunk house was just a bunk house with only one floor plan.  This entire web site is well laid out and should answer most of your questions if you have a lot of time and are a sick (or healthy)Clipper junkie like me!  I wish some more members would send in some more Clipper photos though, do you have a digital camera?    

Tyler ACOC # 3441

Tyler Hoodenpyle

...unless the rig in question is a 24 foot bunkhouse model, one of three available floor plans for the 24 foot Clipper.


   It's a 21' with side kitchen and 2 bunk beds in the rear along with the bath room. Also has bed above cab area and the dining table let's down to a bed too. Do they refer to this particular model as a party model or a bunk house model or neither? Thanks for your input.


   Sorry I forgot to answer your question about having a digital camera. Yes I do and I'll be taking some pictures of my baby as soon as I get done painting it. It's in the priming stages at this point and should be completed soon. How about you, do you have any pictures to share of your clipper. As far as that goes does anyone have any pictures of their Clipper they would like to show us? I'll be at the Cal Expo national meet this February and I hope to see a lot of Clipper owners there so we can share ideas and get to know one another. Gonna be a great time see ya there!
                  Ron H.

Tyler Hoodenpyle

Check out all of the available floor plans for the American clippers here
I don't yet have a Clipper, the weather has put a damper on things lately.  We do have a couple now that we are seriously considering.  One is a rear kitchen party model and one is a side kitchen.  We do plan on getting down to the meet this February, hope to see you there!    
Aren't you taking any photos of the work in progress?  Check out the members home pages on the "Links" link on this website, really neat stuff there, I just wish more people would offer some of their rigs-we can't get enough can we?!



Do you have any photos of your Clipper? Or any pointers for painting a Clipper. Mine is in the paint shop right now.



this is for PTBAA,Also, how do you determine if you have the party style clipper or is it the same as the bunk style clipper? Thanks again.

I just bought a 21' rear kitchen, it has two swivel barrel chairs opposite the dinette (no couch).  I researched and mine is called the Party Model.  WOO HOO!  :wink: