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Air Conditioning

Started by Maddalena, April 11, 2002, 09:52:00 AM

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Do you have any information on Retro fitting the air conditioning system from R-12 to R-134 using the kits that you can get from automotive parts stores? Do you need to change any parts on the system? Dp you need to clear all the old oil from the compressor?
Any information you can give, I would appreciate.
Thanks, Jim

Mark Smith

Maddalena,  I have had experience with AC system changeover both ways on each of two Clippers. The first one I wanted to change to the 134 because of the high cost of freon 12. They bled down the system and replaced all of the seals and port valves. By the time I got through with it I had spent about $400. on parts, labor and gas.

The next time I was going to do the same thing for the same reasons, however this shop (a different shop) talked me out of it and it only cost $180.  I had a slow leak and they replaced those seals. Then filled it with freon 12 and it has been OK for two years now.  They told me that freon 12 was not as expensive as rumors have it to be. This turned out to be so. They also advised me that the 134 gas is only about 80% as efficient as the freon 12 is. After the fact, I am glad that I didn't change over to 134.  If you live near Mexico, you can get freon in Mexico very cheap.
Mark ACOC #1077


Thank you Mark Smith for your reply.Yes we know that R-12 is cheaper in Mexico, but it is illegal to bring it across the line. Thanks Again Jim

Richard Peterson

I just converted mine 77 Dodge 21' to R134 and it works fine.  I did have a leak at the low pressure valve but after repairing that, it works fine.  The kits in auto parts stores are fine if you don't run into trouble beyond your abilities.  You need to change out the oil in the system and draw a vacuum to make sure you have a clean system.  I also replaced the drier as the system had been open for some time while I was working on other problems in restoring this unit.  Good luck if you decide to convert!
Richard Peterson