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San Antonio Area Clipper

Started by jreedy, March 13, 2004, 02:05:00 AM

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Anyone own a Clipper around San Antonio?


Hi Jreedy,

I'm from Houston and have a 79 rear kitchen. I've had it since November.


Hey bigray! So, how's the Clipper? Been on any trips? I'm still in the process of upgrading mine.



I bought my Clipper with 43K miles and it was in decent condition. My wife made some new curtains and I reupholstered the valances. I pulled up the carpet and installed tile. I applied some polyurethane to the wood paneling.

We took a trip to Atlanta (12 hours) in early January. The water pump went out about 4 hours from home.

I bought my Clipper from my uncle who lived in San Diego. He moved to Mississippi from San Diego to Mississippi and drove the Clipper (towing a small truck) without any problems.

I bought it from him in Mississippi and drove it to Houston (8 hours). I've gone camping two times with my son who is 3 and a buddy who has two sons 3 and 5. We had a great time and everything works perfectly.


I purchased my '79 from California last March. It had 29,000 miles. I drove it back with no problems. I think I'll go ahead and replace the water pump. Maybe the fan clutch also.


I am so glad to know there is another Clipper in San Antonio!! I would love to see your RV.  I have never seen another one besides mine.  We bought ours from Utah in August and drove it home in September.  It had only 53,000, but had been in a field for awhile.  Needless to say it has needed a LOT to bring it up to speed, but we are having fun with the new toy.  It made a trip to Virginia and back in November and had some problems with a twisted power steering box - the belts kept breaking.  Hopefully that is fixed.  Let me know if you want to see our RV.