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Started by GRUNGY_FOXES, November 28, 2016, 10:45:24 PM

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Another question. There's no indication as to which fuse goes to what. Does anyone have a manual or a picture that can explain to me what fuses go to what?
Thank you again!
Oh also this is in a 1978 Clipper that has the fuse box in the glove box.


Mine is under the dash on the driver side. In small etched print on the edge there are identifiers for what goes to what. Mine is a 1975. Someone with a 77 or 78 should have an idea.
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754


Yeah I know where mine is, but the little sticker that tells you what is what is so worn out its unreadable!
I did change all the fuse though and everything seems to be working. Taking it to the shop in the morning to get all the tanks and in house stuff tested :)


Good stuff.  Yeah, my fuse box has the descriptions etched - not on a label.  So, it's hard to see but always there.

Make sure the get the propane system tested for leaks.  Also, it's really good to have the fuel lines tested.  Those lines are rubber and they deteriorate.  A visual inspection won't show a problem, but there can be thousands of little pinprick holes throughout.  After fighting with various leaks, my shop did a smoke test on mine - the mechanic said "there was no leak - the smoke came out of every inch of line".  They replaced about 15 feet of hoses.  Funny, my mpg when up a lot! :)
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754