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Started by Den, September 01, 2004, 05:08:49 PM

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Did the Clippers come with converters built in ? If so where were they located ?



I have a 21 ft clipper bunkhouse and the converter is loacated under the refrigerator.

The converter is the brown box with the fuse panel for the coach in it. It has a brown door with a latch that you press to open. If it is working ok you  may be able to hear a low hummmmm coming from it. Basically it is a battery charger that is smart and after the battery is charged it then drops off to a trickel charge enough to maintain the coach battery fully. charged.



OK. I know where thats at. I thought it may have 110 plugs on it like my new one I just purchased.


Grizzlybear & Panda

Where did you find your converter :?:
The one in ours was stolen before it was given to us for our future mission.
We need all the info on ours as we can get from anyone who might have the wiring diagrams.
Looking for info and manuals.Help :!:  :!:
Really think this site is great :D  :D
Paul & Carolyn
Golden Valley, Az