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Started by Charlie, July 02, 2003, 12:12:00 PM

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Looking for a radiator engine fan for my 79' Clipper with a 440.  I was replacing the timing chain, water pump and radiator over the last couple weeks and found out today my son threw the fan out in the recycle bin last week.  I installed a flex fan for now but it really roars when I took it for a ride today.  Any help locating one would be appreciated.  Thanks

Richard Peterson

When I did you you are doing, I kept the flex fan which was on when I bought it.  After driving the thing, I found the flex fan was no big deal and as you say, noisy.  I replaced it with a new fan and thermal clutch from Checker Auto.  After 1 year, the thermal clutch would not release when it should and they replaced it for free.  Now it is quiet, and cools just fine, even in Phoenix heat!
Richard Peterson


I just went on line and ordered a new Mopar Performance fan and clutch assembly from Summit Racing.  Thanks for the reply.