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Started by Charlie, March 07, 2003, 05:03:00 AM

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Are Budd wheels the original equipment?  I have a 1979 with Budd 16.5 wheels, I bought a set of the stainless steel wheel covers from Camping World that are suppose to just snap onto the rim.  They won't snap onto my Budd wheel and it looks like there is no groove for them to snap into.  The wheel liners Camping World sells says "not for Budd wheels" so I'm not sure what to buy now.  I will probably take one wheel off and take to Camping World to see if something will fit.  Does anyone have any info about the wheels, covers or liners?  Thanks
Charlie at:

Rich Gauthier

Budd wheels are original. Inserts at camper world will not fit.
I purchased universal stainless steel wheel inserts at the Capital fleamarket in San Jose for
$185.00 Must be bolted on with lug nuts, but will never fly off.