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Battery Water Indicator

Started by Shayne, November 10, 2001, 07:29:00 AM

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Posted for Kevin Campbell by Admin
Question: There is a red light on the house gauge "Batt Water", located over the refrigerator and I was needing to know what the possible reasons were for this. I have checked both the water in the brand new house battery and the motor battery and they both appear fine. Please advise.
Thank you, Kevin Campbell
Answer: The battery light only comes on when the battery needs water. How it works: a probe attached to a wire, is inserted into the battery so that it touches the water. The light is out. When the water goes down, and the probe is dry, the light comes on telling you to add water. Perhaps the probe on your battery has corroded away. It can be replaced. To some people this is a nuisance, so they either disconnect the wire in the unit or just ignore it. The amp drain on a LED light is insignificant.
Mark Smith, ACOC #1077
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146

David Varni

Response to Kevin Campbell on 9/10/01 and Craig Fraki on 9/10/01.  I don’t use the battery water LED because I only buy Delco Voyager deep cycle batteries that do not have caps to access the electrolyte.  I keep the LED off by connecting the probe wire to the positive battery terminal.  If the probe is in working order and you want to use it, it must be inserted into the cell next to the positive terminal.  David Varni ACOC #2015


is the probe wire a red wire?  cause i have one near my battery that looks like it had a lead on it but had either worn or cut away and is just there..i have the batt water ind light on as well and am thinking that this is the wire for that probe.


I was able to contact Progressive Dynamics who are the people who made the probe and the panel. They can send you a new probe, however they fit batteries which have a removable round cap. I drilled a hole in the square plate on the top of my battery and inserted the probe in the hole. Works great and tells when I need to add water which can be a pain in the b--- since by battery does not slide out and has to be held while you put in water.
canine caravan ACOC #3552