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my redneck cooling mod

Started by Horst, October 07, 2010, 05:33:06 PM

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A while back we had a bit of a heat wave here in Santa Cruz.
I took the Clipper out to Big Sur - it was pretty hot (85-90 or so) and my Clipper started to heat up a bit when climbing some of the hills. Then I remembered my cooling mod!
(It's here - - and it's cheap!)

Note that I did have to cut off about 1/2 inch on each of those pvc pieces so that the hood would latch properly on the first "hook".

It worked very well - my doghouse was cool to the touch, and my temp gauge went down from above the halfway mark, to well below the halfway mark - 20+ degrees or so I'm guessing? I forgot how good this thing worked. I'll  be using it all the time now, except when it's really cold out.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll

Well, here is one for ya!!!!   I had the same problem with heat or over heating...

I took the windshield washer hose off the squirters and found a small piece of copper line

drilled holes in the copper line ..  Copper line about 18 inches long..

  Placed it just over the radiator...  When it got to hot I would just use the windshield

washer and the temp went down..  Rather nice rig set up.. still have it even though

I have a new motor..    John   :)


You might try what I did to beat the Texas Heat in mid summer pulling a 26ft pontoon boat. I tied onto the pressure drain line under the home, ran a 1/2 inch water hose to the bottom of the radiator, used the end nozzel from underground yard sprinkler system, directed the pattern upward just in front of rad but behind the front tag to help break the wind off it. Now, just before leaving down the highway, I clip a wire to positive side of pump and with a switch in line and all other faucets turned off when the temp goes up I turn on the water pump and wallaaaa cool running again.  Must be a redneck thing huh?
ACOC# 3514
1978--821F-- ser#48851 440 Dodge  Built on a Dream--Still a Dream.  Let's all keep it that way.

John Eversoll

                              GET     ER     DONE !!!!!!!!!