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Dometic Reefer.

Started by USNRetired, October 01, 2010, 09:20:02 PM

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Okay, what do I do when I power up the reefer.  It's colder than heck inside.  But smells like someone spilled 25 gallons of amonia all over the place.  Does this mean my reefer is going belly up and I need to replace it?  or Repair it?  H E L P!!!
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)


If you have an ammonia smell, the likelyhood of the unit lasting much longer is slim. I know a lot of the folks on here say they use both electricity and propane. I for  one will not use electricity on these older units. The unit works by heating the ammonia powder and sending the vapor throughout the unit. Same principal as freon. With units getting older and having been put to the test on rough roads and the such if and when the coil on the electric side becomes weak, it burns into and  the ends will come in contact with the unit itself and burn a whole in it. (UNIT HISTORY) The flame however could never get this hot. So with that said, That's  my reasoning for never using shore power to operate the refer. Hope this bit of info helps you and others. Oh by the way, look inside the outside door and see if you can see a yellow powder. That's ammonia. :'(
ACOC# 3514
1978--821F-- ser#48851 440 Dodge  Built on a Dream--Still a Dream.  Let's all keep it that way.

John Eversoll







Google RV refrigerator repair, it may be cheaper to get it fixed. Being close to Elkhart Indiana we have a few repair houses, some will even fab up new parts if needed. Maybe there is one close to you also. Good luck!



Thursday, I'll go out and check for yellow powder, etc...  the smell is only on the inside.  If I keep the door locked shut, no one can smell amonia, but when I open it up... whew!!!  Eye burning time! 

Maybe I can get John to come down for the memorial services for the unit?  :-)  You live the closest.  I'm also starting to look for a replacement here online.  What I've seen run from about $1100.00 to over $2000.00, new.
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)

John Eversoll

  hA HA HA ,  Hi Jim, Real quick, I was told by a guy at Camping world to start asking for last years models....

  They have discounts on them ..   even a hundred bucks is worth it as a discount..

  I myself am looking for a fridge.. I am going to go Large and loose the cabinet above the fridge. 
I figure that if I am going to be on the road for a while, I want to stock up!!  Keep in touch

Jim"...   John   ///  and we will see about the hook up  for the srevices"



I have my microwave installed above the reefer.  So will probably get a similar sized replacement when I get to that point.  sigh....  I am enlisting the aid of a faith healer currently.  hehehehehe
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)

John Eversoll

      OH GOD, Please don't use the word  "ENLIST"....

      makes me shiver"......    John


E N L I S T       E N L I S T !!   SHIPOVER, EVEN! hahahahahahahhahaah....   

I've had two companies email me and express total ignorance... but yet, they want me to spend my money with them, after I do  the work.  sigh.....
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)

John Eversoll

       Yea, there are quite a few companies out there that want our money ...

      and then again I called FRANKS Rv in Fontana Calif. and for a USED ONE they want

      $ 600.  ?????   tHEY WILL GIVE YOU A 90 DAY WARRENTY>>>>>>.....??

       But the question is will it last for 120 days or 91 days...  I think if I am going to

       spend $ 600 on a used fridge then I should just kick down the extra 450 and buy a

       new one..  That way I get a real warrenty!!!!  I am just tired of "fixing the broken

       things.   John :)


I've progressed a little.  Went on the Dometic Website and their Refrigerator Replacement Chart, here is the info on the RM66E:  RM60, 66, 67 Dimenstions: 39 3/16" X 21 7/8" X 23 5/8" Replacement Model: RM2510 Dimensions: 40 5/16" X 21 13/16" X 24"

Only problem is that I cannot find a RM2510.  However, there are several two way out there that have very close dimensions.

I found an outfit in Chula Vista who is talking to me and I am waiting for a reply to see about pricing, especially installation pricing.  However, figure they may want to take a look at the actual job before giving a good installation quote.  It is South Coast R.V. Service Center <> and it really sounds hopeful.  As a last resort, I can always go to Camping World.  :-)
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)

John Eversoll

hI jIM, tHAT SOUNDS GOOD,  Just tell them that you belong to a club.

and everybody is thinking of refridgerators right now.. Maybe they give ya a big discount..

But yes I would love to hear the price..

John :)