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Rear Kitchen ceiling

Started by lpaluka, June 17, 2010, 08:56:22 PM

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I read that i could buy 1/8 inch panel type board and use on my kitchen ceiling. My question is what should i use to adhere this panel to the ceiling to get a permanent firm hold? I just want to re-enforce the ceiling around the kitchen vent in the back The leak is fixed.


I have used Gorilla glue for various fixes on my clipper- has thus far held on my new fridge cover really well.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


I used liquid nails and a few drywall screws. Got it at home depot. Its cleaner than using gorilla glue. Because Gorilla glue expands as it dries and can squish out the sides.

John Eversoll

Hi Jon, John Here,,,,,   What type of pannel did you use??? was it the white

4x8 sheet or just the plain wood finish????  I have to replace the pannel around the escape hatch...
And I am sure I will have to replace some of the 2x2 s........Just what I really did not

want to get into.. But what the heck ---Right!!!

I was going to replace the walol panneling as well but think I will hold off from that project and work on my Bronco....After I get he Rig road worthy....
John  :)


I just cut a piece of 1/4 inch plywood the a few inches bigger than the rotted hole and glued it straight to the old ceiling. Of course i pulled out all the old rotten crap i could before doing this. It only ended up being maybe a foot square. Then I went and painted the whole ceiling white. It was leaking where the old crank up tv antenna use to be. the guy who had it before just put a little tar over the hole on the roof. That was a mess to clean up and reseal with silicone and a piece of sheet metal but over 3 years now and not one drop.
Professional it is not but it looks better than a rotten hole. I have 3 kids and one on the way so my budget for fixing the old girl up is somewhere around $0. I just do what I have to when I have to. I just thank god that the drive train works perfectly or else she would have to sit.

John Eversoll

I know what you mean about finance....LOL...

But, we make allowence s   for some things...

Hoping to drive the rig up to Oregon next month..

I did hae a friend come over today to help me hook everything up and found out that I hadn't secured the torque converter so we will take out the trans tomorrow and
do it right....  Thank god for friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh Dear God JOHN! Torque Converter  needs to be seated appropriately! especially our externally balanced 440 I would think.....

John Eversoll

  Yeaaaaaaaa, I knowwwwwww....  I just getting in a hurry and now that I sat back and took a break I slowed down and thought about it. 

And I could here my late brother saying to me "stop "  dummy---

I did  and am glad I did...  So now to pull the thing back out and set it in right!!!

I did manage to reroute   the fuel line away from the exhaust manifold with new metal fuel line..  and ran new trans line to the front..  In between all of this I am taking an Auto body
repair class from 5 pm to 9 pm M-Thurs.  restoring my 71 Chevelle SS.
I will be repainting the cab of the rig too....>when ?????
Anywho I will be keeping you intouch with the happs and am glad that you are going to replace the water lines in this rig of yours..  I need to do the same
Last trip out we woke up to a flood!!   Rented a rug doctor and had a very clean carpet

Take care, John