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Dog House

Started by John Eversoll, April 25, 2010, 01:10:10 AM

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John Eversoll

Horst---Jerry --Clock.....

I just discovered may dog house has three cracks in it....

Can any dog house fit the rig as long as it is a dodge Van in the 70's

I have seen tons of then at one of the local wrecking yards.  But want to make sure

before I buy....    Thanks---- John


I read that the dog house got redesigned for 1978 and newer. Maybe Robert knows for sure.


John Eversoll

Hey Robert, Jerry tells me that You should know

if the dog house will fit from what year to what year....

I have a 1977  Clipper.  Thanks, John


74 to 77 is the same I believe.............would't bet my life on it of course (maybe 73 as well?)
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll

Ok, now that we have that cleared up...

How about the front grill????--- I got one from the wrecking yARD and it doesn't

fit..????   It looks the same But it seems as if it is not bent enough in the center...

I got it from a 77 or a 78..   John


year model 74 to 77 need a doghouse from a 440 engine to fit as far as i remember because they are wider tthan a van with a 318 or 360 engine.

John Eversoll

Well Thank you Tom!!!!

I guess I will just repair what I have.  Those dog houses are long gone now..Far and few between...

