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Swivel seat removal?

Started by Bill Walker, November 20, 2002, 12:23:00 AM

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Bill Walker

Does anyone know how to remove the swivel seats from the raised platform (passenger side)on a 1976 Dodge 21 ft rear kitchen model?

I've been putting in new carpet and have everything done except for the raised area under the swivel seats on the passenger side -- just can't seem to figure out how to take the seats out.

In case anyone is interested, got a good deal on the carpet at Home Depot. It's a dark chocolate brown (La Jolla 04472, Color #02985 Acorn Brown)at $9.90 a square yard. Had to special order from Home Depot but they got it in two weeks. Looks great!

Appreciate it. Bill W. 3222


I recarpeted the platform area under the swivel seats in my 77 last year.  You can remove the forward chair by removing the nuts from inside the storage/generator compartment.  However, it was too tight with the battery box in the way to remove the rear seat.  Had to find the screws around the outside edge of the platform from the top side, remove those & pull the entire platform off, then remove the chairs.  At that point, it's a snap to recarpet while the whole thing is pulled apart.  

Good luck & have fun!
Jeanne Gage

Bill Walker

Finished up the carpet redo this past weekend. Thanks for the tip on removing the seats. Looked a little scary at first taking that whole panel out. But worked out great.

Thanks again,
Bill W. 3222