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16 inch rims needed

Started by campernut, April 20, 2010, 11:48:22 PM

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Since the market has nearly dried up of tires for the 16.5 inch wheels our Clippers came with, where is a good source for changing to 16 inch rims.  I have tried a rim and wheel business locally and was turned away.  Also tried a large RV dealer.  I am looking for steel painted wheels and hoping my SS liners from the 16.5's will work.  My chassis is a Chevy 30.  My present tires are 6 years old and the tread came off one of them last weekend.


Keep us posted on getting those 16" rims.  I need some for my Dodge  360.
SOLD MY 1975     821F      360cc  ACOC #3645

John Eversoll

Hi guys,,,

I was at a local wrecking yard  a while back and talked with the manager...

I noticed the rims on the trucks that were just sitting and rotting in the afternoon sun..

I told him tat I was looking for rims for my 77 dodge rear duels.

And the then told me that the factories still make em!!!

that the im is still in use today on all the newer trucks "Big trucks"

Now, if this is true thenwe should have n ample supply to pick from..

The if this is false................I am sorry I even opened my mouth!!!!!



I thought about the wrecking yard, but face the risk of getting crooked rims.  Thought a lot of the rims would be 16.5's, too.  The place that brushed me off should have been my best source, so I was shocked by their response.  I have also heard that the newer trucks have a metric sized lugnut pattern.  Is this true?   If so, they will not fit our older units.

Hank Jourdin

Hello Campernut, I have written several posts Re: 16 inch wheels over the last 2 years. Save yourself alot of trouble and learn from my mistakes. Go back and read the posts refering to wheels and tire sizes there are 3  posts that will take you to school and give you some ideas of where to find wheels and tires. They are around if you know where to look, just have your check book out and be ready to write they run about 80.00 ea for new wheels plus shipping @ 20.00 ea . I don't know about Chevy, But Dodge wheels are what is call a coined wheel, and thats the only kind of wheels you can use, COINED WHEELS. Thats what makes it so hard to find the wright wheels.So the first thing to do is see if the wheels you have are coined . If you need more help just yell!!    Hank Out!


Could someone please explain exactly what a "Coined" wheel is and how it differs from the non-coined? ???

John Eversoll

Hi Dan, 

    How ya doin..Havent seen a pos fro ya in a while.

How is your eye doing???

Have ya been running the rig???

I am stuck in trying to get mine running

Stupid electrical prob.  I just found a burned thru wire and hope

that is the problem...   I hate small probs that turn out to be replacing
wire that could have a purpose and find out it wasn't the probloem at all.

Well, take care....John

Hank Jourdin

Hey Dan2,  Coined wheels if you look at the lug holes every other hole will have a stepped out lip with a 60 degree edge to match the lug nut. With 8 lug wheels there are 4  pointing out and 4 pointing in. The wheel hubs are made the same way to except the face of the wheel to engage the wheel face 60 degree inside lug holes. So the first inside dually wheel locks in the hub, the second outer dually wheel  locks into the first inner wheel, so that when they are mounted correcetly every other lug hole on each lug stud will alternate one lip out one lip in, so when you put the lug nut on which also has a 60 degree face with a lip and tighten the nut the hole assy. becomes completely locked togrther. The wheels are locked in place because of those 60 degree lips on the wheels refered to as coined wheels. I hope you could follow my explanation.   Hank Out!


Good explanation on "coined" wheels.   It appears that the Chevy wheels are flat.  I found a source for Chevy wheels at Southwest Wheel Co. in Dallas, Tx.  They may have Dodge wheels, too, but I did not look for them.   Chevy wheels cost $91.76 each when buying 6 or 7.  Shipping varies, but does not seem too bad. 

Hank Jourdin

Hello Campernut, Southwest Wheel Co. was the 1st place I tried for wheels for my 78 Dodge, they said they had them but then it turned out they don't have coined wheels for the Dodge or Ford which will also fit. Go to e-bay thats where I found mine, brand new still in the box. Hank Out!