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exhaust system

Started by Martin2, July 18, 2002, 01:00:00 AM

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Does anyone have any info on what the origional exhaust system would have been like.  My 79 440 had a single glass pack on it when I purchased it. The pipes coming from the manifolds join together and connect to it.  It appears to have been modified.  I, upon advice from a local muffler shop, installed a single stainless muffer.  I can't remember the brand name but it was top of the line.  Well, it is now rattling.  I guess the baffels have broken loose.  I don't know.  Well anyway, I want to replace it.  Does anyone have a recommendation?  Tom


I had dual exhaust installed on my Clipper last year. Replaced the pipes from the manifolds all the way back and they installed a couple of heavy duty truck mufflers.  It is a little louder than it was, but has made a big difference in power.  I ran a steep grade before and after the upgrade.  Dropped down to 42mph before and can maintain 49mph after. I recommend dual exhaust.
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


Same here mine has almost four foot long mufflers and the pipes exit just before the rear wheels

Mark Smith

They were originally delivered with one muffler as you described yours to be. Owners found out that by replacing that set-up with duel mufflers, they got better mileage, and the engine ran cooler, so many added duels. I also remember that the original exhaust pipe terminated  behind the rear wheel and directly below the gas cap.  When you go to duels, terminate the pipes ahead of the rear wheels.  Terminate pipes on the driver's side. If they came out on the passenger side, you couldn't sit under your awning with the engine running for all the exhaust.
I had Midas of Sunnyvale, CA do my last duel muffler job. It was only $285. complete. Other shops wanted $500.  With Midas doing it, their warranty is good at their shops all over the country and they can fix a faulty problem anywhere you might be.  
Mark ACOC#1077


And there life time mine on it's thired set free midas is great  


Just wanted to thank you guys for the info!     Tom


 Doesn't putting the dual exhast exit in front of the rear tire on the Driver's side bug you guys with the noise?  Mine exit there (and though they do need to be repaired/replaced), and it is loud as hell!  When I get mine replaced, I was going to have them exit as far towards the rear of the Clipper as possible.