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Plateing the rims

Started by John Eversoll, July 09, 2009, 01:53:16 PM

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John Eversoll

Hi theree Clipper Crew, have a question for somebody out there...

Since my rig is down I was thinking of getting the rims Chromed.

I see rust trickling down from the welds and was thinking that having them plated would be a good idea.

"They got to clean the rims before plateing them and if they find cracks don't they repair them???
Give me some advice...
John E.


I would say Powdercoat them.

Powder coating is a lot more rugged and inexpensive as well, there are a whole line of different colors and options to do as well, My Clipper still has some steel rims on it, this is the route im going to take, I want to do a nice Gun metal metalic :)

John Eversoll

with the voice of Homer Simson    POWDER COAT"""""

Yea, that sounds as good as any and you are right!! Lots cheeper

$47.00 a rim  compared to 75.

Geee thanks!!!! I will go in that direction, :) John
