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Looking for parts, and some help and or advice.

Started by rowdiebryan, November 05, 2008, 07:25:47 AM

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I have not posted in a while, I have been busy with life and such.  I recently was able to take my clipper a few weekends in a row.  Wow, storage  I have a roof rack but no latter to get to it.  Does anyone know where I can get a repacment that will fit?  This Clipper had one, but no longer, so I would like to replace it, and use the same holes.  Did the clippers originaly have a vent over the top bunk?  With that in mind, I need to replace al lthe ceiling in mine, has anyone done it? How hard is it to do?  Also, mine has two sofas, and I would like to have chairs on the Generator side.  Does anyone have a set up like this, and if so, how hard would it all be to change?  Also, I was thinking of changing my fridge to one of the two door, over and under, freezer on top and fridge on bottom.  Has anyone else done this?  And last but not least, the water doesnt work at all in the shower and bath room.  Any ideas?

Thanks to everyone who readts this, I have alot of work to do on the old girl this winter, I need any and all the help I can get.  So, if anyone is goign to be in or near the Dallas Texas area this fall, winter oir spring, stop by and lend a hand, I have cold beer. :)



John Eversoll

Hi there, I was reading the past articles and foun d yours.

I was wondering if you are still in your project.  I myself am going to replace the panneling
in mine. and the ceiling in the overhead is bad and I have to replace it as well.
Then I myself am wanting to replace my Dead fridge and put in a new Larger fridge.
I am in Anaheim Ca and if anyone is in the area I would love to get together and compare Clippers.
and the ideas that we can toss back and forth.