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Divider project

Started by LARRY RAY, April 19, 2008, 05:03:17 AM

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Sometime ago and with time on my hands I decided to try and come up with a way to help keep heat coming in from the cab while running the ac and to keep heat in cabin and not heat cab also. This link will show what I did. Not yet to my exact liking yet, but it works. Also when wife said she needed more counter space I came up with kitchen idea. Plywood, edging and plastic type paint from hdwr store for the edges. Hope you like it.
ACOC# 3514
1978--821F-- ser#48851 440 Dodge  Built on a Dream--Still a Dream.  Let's all keep it that way.


I like it, quite ingenious! My wife thought it was a good idea as well!

gets in car, drives to hardware store...........


Thats a good Idea I thought about doing that. This is what I did, having 4 kids we use the cabin for storage, 12volt fridge, dirty chlothes bag etc. So I just hung thicker curtin. I belive it would be easier to go through a curtin than a little door.