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Aluminum Trim for American Clippers

Started by Dennis Riordan, August 23, 2002, 03:34:00 AM

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Dennis Riordan

Does anyone have a source for the aluminum trim (contains the black rubber insert) for American Clippers?

I am restoring my clipper and have a couple of bent pieces of this aluminum trim.  This is the part that is screwed into the fibreglass and into the wooden frame.

To further clarify, this is the trim that runs parallel to the ground.


Dennis Riordan


I purchased some of this at a local RV supply store.  I think it is made by Herr(sp?) who I believe also made the window frames for the Clippers.  The ribbed rubber insert is no longer available and you have to settle for a smooth flat rubber insert rounded on the edges.  It isn't cheap but it looks good and works well.  If you can't find it at a local RV store send me an e-mail and I'll get an order number for you.


Is any one aware of a source for the aluminum trim that goes around the top. The trim on the sides is about 7/8 inch wide and we need some that is wider
TIA for your help