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My weekend project

Started by JerryT, September 02, 2007, 04:24:52 AM

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Hi all
Just did a couple of small upgrades to the clipper this weekend. The first is a insert that goes into the exhaust pipe to reduce noise and would also keep critters from nesting in there. I removed my turn down, put it in place, and welded it(it does come with bolts) then replaiced the turn down. Does it work? Well it does take the sound down a notch, but not a lot, was it worth it? ($60.00)   No, not for the results, am I unhappy?, No, I got some reduction in noise and a critter screen, also I would have been surprised if it cut the noise a lot. Here are pics of the part and box.


Would be curious if you notice any loss in power. Especially on hills.  But I come from the school of exhaust restriction is bad :)
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


They say that there is more open surface area in the cone than in my 3" pipe, with that said, I have not notice any loss of power, just a tone change, and an almost whistle at some speeds :o I think I will make a modification to keep
the dogs from barking :D


Just tell everyone the whistle sound is the TURBO  :D
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146