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what's it worth?

Started by mikeyo, July 06, 2006, 07:58:19 PM

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76 clipper with 130,000 miles? engine sounds fine,runs great, but sometimes i detect a little rattle. it's been there for a year and a half now and hasn't gotten worse. what could it be?


Mike, engine noise at high speed can be the double fan belts. The belts on my Clipper became loose and sounded like the engine rattled. I tightend the belts and the noise stopped. I'm not sure what the value is on your Clipper, but if you give more info about it then someone could come up with a price. Good luck on what ever your going to do.

   ACOC Member 2765
      ,The T-Man
coc# 2765


Mike, engine noise at high speed can be the double fan belts. The belts on my Clipper became loose and sounded like the engine rattled. I tightend the belts and the noise stopped. I'm not sure what the value is on your Clipper, but if you give more info about it then someone could come up with a price. Good luck on what ever your going to do.

   ACOC Member 2765
      ,The T-Man
coc# 2765