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exsust manifold crack

Started by Leslie Jones, May 07, 2006, 10:45:48 AM

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Leslie Jones

my exsust manifold is cracked and I need to replace it or fix it, But I was woundering if you could replace it with headers for a 440 dodge 1977 21ft has anyone installed them in there clipper? Oh yah Hi this is my first time here, and I've got alot of qustions and things to fixs! Thank you ....


Leslie Jones.!! 8) Good news
Yes there are many sets of headers that will fit your 440 Mopar. Generally accepted as one of the best is Headers by Doug Thourly.(Spelling??) Also there are replacement mamifolds on the market. (search for Exhaust manifolds on the web sight.) The information is in there. I don't remember how far back. But definetly on the websight, and as I recall also in the printed out news letters. Bob Chaney. Make sure any manifold is milled flat before you install it.


If you decide to go with headers, consider spending a little extra money for ceramic coated headers to help get the heat away from the engine compartment.  Also, if you get cheap (thin) headers, they may not hold up to the heat that pours out of a Dodge 440, especially in a heavy duty van/doghouse configuration.
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


I installed a set of the Dougs on my 440 when I rebuilt it a few years back.
nice fit, plated and built for RV low end power. thick flanges a very nice product IMO