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Tire Blows

Started by , November 29, 2005, 06:07:58 PM

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Went On My First Trip In My Clipper Last Month Got Almost To Bakersfield And Inside Rear Duel Blew Ripping The Tread Off And Ripping The Gas Filler Tube In Half, My Neighber Told Me I Should Replace Tires If Older Than Five Years Old I SHOULDA LISTENED TO HIM But Americas Tire Has Them For $108 Each Out The Door Not To Bad


That is a bummer!
But - too many people do not heed that advice - AGE is the issue on most motorhome tires - not tread wear - unless you're one of the lucky few who gets to drive 25,000 miles per year traveling all over this great country.

someday I'll get to do that...................

also be sure you keep you new ones inflated properly - they all lose air, constantly - and need to be checked before every trip.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

Andy Illes

Fred, Horst... yeah, that's a tough lesson, huh?   I just put a brand new set of shoes on Fred.... well, actually 2 sets (another story, lol).  Once I finally found a tire guy I felt REALLY seemed to know his stuff (a great rarity, btw!!!), his advice was to carefully check tires for checking and cracking at least annually no matter HOW new... PARTICULARLY inside the tread patterns.  Those are what gettcha blowouts, not sidewall cracking so much.  He said tire compounds vary wildly, particularly on "El Cheapo" ones... and he's seen tread cracking even on year old tires.

Fred, you're lucky the gas didn't get lit up, sheesh.  Mine has a plate welded to shield the propane line on the pasenger side.... never even thought about the gas tank filler being vulnerable.  Time to find something to weld/bolt to on that side too, huh?

There have been some great posts about tires recently, Fred.... check those out about brands before you wind up with 2 sets too.

Good luck.

terry and karen conkle

I made  a nice shield of aluminum and steel angle to protect my filler when I replaced my filler lines.