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windshield wiper

Started by lisa bergman, July 08, 2002, 02:52:00 AM

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lisa bergman

Hi again, thank goodness for this website.  I left all of my books at home but I know I have seen this problem before.  My windshield wiper arms have come disconnected.  Do I have to order the part to reattach the arms?  Or can I find it some where?  I have them all taken apart just need to get them back to gether.  thanks again  


We just had the same problem occur when trying to leave town on a trip in a rain storm (end of trip for that evening).  Fortunately the local Dodge dealer was open on Saturday and had lots of parts available.  On our rig, the nylon bushing/attachment that holds the arms together had simply disintegrated.  The Dodge dealer had a box full on the counter for about $2 a piece.  Pick up a couple spares because there are several in the assembly.  They just snap onto the metal arms with a little persuasion from pliers.
Good luck, Jeanne Gage.


A bit more here.
You will have to remove your wiper arms and the grill.
The grill is easy - simply a few screws.
The wiper arms (which have to come off to remove the grill - were a bit more difficult (at least for me in the dark and rain at Candlestick RV Park a few years back!
There are these little pins that you have to pull out - a bit of a pain.
Anyway, it is a good idea to replace them all while you're at it, and carry a few spares for your friend's Clipper!
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


oops - didn't read your post carefully enough.
You already have this all sorted out!
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

lisa bergman

Thank you all, for your help!!!    I had called several parts stores and no one knew what I needed.  I'll try Dodge.  Thanks again


Dealers charge an arm and a leg.  I saw the part listed in the ACOC newsletter.  Much better price than I paid.  get your spares from the club.